That's's me, Mr. Erl. It's been a long time and quite a few things have changed.
I'm now a New Democrat, progressive columnist on Raise the Hammer, and all around dedicated left-winger. I've helped New Democrats in campaigns, attended meetings, and participated in discussions and have found them to be the most caring, fun-loving, hard working individuals I've ever dealt with politically.
It takes being in the throws of conservative foolishness for years to fully understand what nonsense it all really is. It takes having a union protect you before you fully understand what a benefit they are to society. It takes being exposed to the real world before you can actually comment on it. I now know that it is easy to be a conservative when you don't really know anything outside your comfy middle class life, your stable income, your perfectly traditional nuclear family unit.
I can attribute three key things to my so called 'conversion':
1) Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine
2) My senior year Peace Studies class
3) Finding more truth a week of studying social democracy then in two years of trying (in vein) to grasp the regressive philosophies of the right
It's unlikely that I will frequently post on this blog, as I have little time to comment on the news, being hard at work making it.
I would like to salute the efforts of progressive bloggers like Canadian Cynic, Red Tory and The Galloping Beaver whom I frequently read, as someone needs to keep my former 'allies' on their toes. Given as they have two right feet, they're bound to fall anyway...watching the Progressive Guard, if I may name them as such, push them farther back towards the hole from which they emerged just makes it that much more enjoyable.
In Solidarity,
Mr. Erl
Great to hear, Erl. I really hope you do find more time to blog. I doubt I'm the only one who's interested in what you have to say.
And by the way, my parents live in Chris Charlton's riding and although they're not NDP supporters at all, they like her a lot and happily voted for her in the last election. It's great that you've gotten so involved.
Hope to see you at a Ti-Cats game soon. Yeah, I'm a regular season ticket holder, for some reason...
"in the throws of conservative "
Great blog, and all the best, but for goodness' sake: throes.
hey! welcome back! Nice change, as well.
hi chris, just watched your video and i must say i am impressed. you're a well spoken young man and you have a bright future ahead of you. have a great holiday and i look forward to hearing more from you in the new year and beyond. cheers!
Your post can be read at a face value, or as sarcasm.
Put meat on your bones.
Glad you found your way Erl,
I find that many of the things you say solidified your outlook are actually things that solidified my own as a conservative... being brutally let down by a union who stole my money and gave me nothing in return(except the chance to watch the less qualified and lazier advance before me), getting out of school and into the real world where my hard work and dedication paid off... Being a tax-payer and hating my money paying for crap that nobody needs or uses. It is interesting to see how life's events can shape our thought processes. And Frankly, I'm not shocked over your choice... always kind of figured you might go down this path in the long-run.
Careful about aligning yourself with the likes of CC and Red Tory though. Those guys don't offer any real debate, only petty assaults on character. They shirk away from any real intellectual discussion on topics instead resorting to simplistic attacks often profane in nature. You're better than that... smarter than that.
Left or Right, I wish you the best in your blogging/political life and outside it as well. Looking forward to finally having some good competition from the left, god knows its needed ;)
Your misrepresentation of CC makes me think you've also misrepresented your union as well.
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